Glossary Creation

Expanding your business’ reach through our ISO 17100 certified processes and our native-language linguists and meeting the most stringent international translation standards, since 1993

Translate Early And Translate Often

Increasing the quality and effectiveness of any translation is critical to your success. A glossary reduces the likeliness that the same phrase or meaning is translated differently when in the same context. It is best to identify those concepts that are most critical, most repeated, or need a very particular interpretation so that consistency can be assured.

Our ISO 17100 certified processes provide the foundation for the native-language linguist to build a glossary that will serve to more easily develop localized content that is consistent and true to your need.

Benefits of Having a Translation Glossary

Brand, product, solution, technical, and culturally-sensitive, oft-repeated, are all prime for glossary creation to ensure consistency over time, across translators, and across documents

Keep translations consistent

Language is a tricky thing. Trying to couple the ambiguity of two languages to provide the perfect interpretation is not a simple affair. Controlling how translations occur when there is ambiguity is desirable. If a decision has been made to use a specific phrasing in the target language you want to be sure that it is applied consistenly to ensure the audience gets the meaning intended.

Reduce translation time

It takes time to get a translation correct: sometimes with a back-and-forth to ensure that the correct meaning and impact are achieved. A glossary allows the translator to apply the correct translation in the correct situation with ease and confidence.

Harmonize your brand identity

Your brand. Your solution. Your products. Your podcasts. Your personal catch phrases. Your meaning and your intent are best interpreted once to capture the perfect translation and then applied over time. This ensures that all your communications come out with a single voice--ironically it helps you in your native language, too.


American Translators Association Member
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